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Miscripedia Development

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1Miscripedia Development Empty Miscripedia Development Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:23 pm

Jana V

Jana V

I was just thinking about the Miscrimanian Miscripedia. It hasn't been updated since you stated that you were too busy to maintain it. Luckily I have a lot of free time. So basically I'm asking if it would be possible for me to help develop your Miscripedia, as it would be an essential thing for the game.

Thank you! bounce

2Miscripedia Development Empty Re: Miscripedia Development Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:46 am



I was working it with Tommy Thai, tought. I don't know what happened, but he don't want to develope it anymore, I don't know is it about his competation with Dreamland against Miscrimania. That Miscripedia now looks like it's not posibble to do, so.. we will have to make new Miscrimania Miscripedia. With pics or something. Any idea?


3Miscripedia Development Empty Re: Miscripedia Development Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:00 am

Jana V

Jana V

Steff wrote:I was working it with Tommy Thai, tought. I don't know what happened, but he don't want to develope it anymore, I don't know is it about his competation with Dreamland against Miscrimania. That Miscripedia now looks like it's not posibble to do, so.. we will have to make new Miscrimania Miscripedia. With pics or something. Any idea?
Obviously we have to make a new miscripedia, but how to do so? Please find a way to do it, then if you got it in your grip, tell me all about it so I can fill it in and develop it.

Remember; it doesn't have to look like the official Miscripedia in Miscrits website.

4Miscripedia Development Empty Re: Miscripedia Development Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:21 am



It's very hard to develope it. And Tommy would not tell me how so. I'd rather work on the game that time with Mahmoud. The most simple way is posting a picture and make an album on facebook's page, Picture's Miscripedia. There isn't other way as far as I know. Neutral


5Miscripedia Development Empty Re: Miscripedia Development Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:24 am

Jana V

Jana V

Steff wrote:It's very hard to develope it. And Tommy would not tell me how so. I'd rather work on the game that time with Mahmoud. The most simple way is posting a picture and make an album on facebook's page, Picture's Miscripedia. There isn't other way as far as I know. Neutral
OK. I'll try to collect information about that. Don't worry about it.

6Miscripedia Development Empty Re: Miscripedia Development Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:25 am



Good luck. Reply back in this thread if you find anything.


7Miscripedia Development Empty Re: Miscripedia Development Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:00 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Good news! Since it's going to be too elaborate to make a proper HTML miscripedia. We're planning to make a locked sub-section containing all miscrits! king

8Miscripedia Development Empty Re: Miscripedia Development Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:03 pm



^ That's right! Coming soon.


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