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Seriously? It's Okay :3

Julian Z
Laziest Gamer
Pawrian Gray
Grim Sleeper
Jana V
11 posters

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26Seriously? It's Okay :3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Seriously? It's Okay :3 Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:41 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

JL wrote:I'm scared No

Jana V wrote:I am scared too.

Someday, my face shall be all over Wanted posters, and while gazing at my lovely visage, you both shall lean back in your chairs and sigh happily as you go skipping down memory lane; and both of you shall murmur, "I remember Emily, back before she snapped. Those were some good times, good times..."

27Seriously? It's Okay :3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Seriously? It's Okay :3 Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:38 am



Emily Sanders wrote:
JL wrote:I'm scared No

Jana V wrote:I am scared too.

Someday, my face shall be all over Wanted posters, and while gazing at my lovely visage, you both shall lean back in your chairs and sigh happily as you go skipping down memory lane; and both of you shall murmur, "I remember Emily, back before she snapped. Those were some good times, good times..."
Yes..... Those were good times.......

And all the Spectreus will look at your face in the wanted posters, looking very gloomy and sad.......

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