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a comic suggestion (please see because is unique)

5 posters

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Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

a comic suggestion (please see because is unique) Comic
>.< hope you understand and i make this as a new comic style :p




It's moving too fast. I can't read it. Crying or Very sad


Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Steff wrote:It's moving too fast. I can't read it. Crying or Very sad

Same here.

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

As for Steff,it is moving very fast for me too,so i cant read the comic.

Jana V

Jana V

I advise slowing down the rate, also make it loop. Looks interesting though, the way you use rage face memes. Twisted Evil



I tried to understand, and if I'm right, Teteh have saved in her computer all the editions of Miscrimania. If that's right, thank you so much Teteh for your loyalty. And about the Edition 1 to edition 4, I have them in my computer, so if you really want them, I can post them right here, just let me know, even if they suck a little. Very Happy


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