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Share your Stories!

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1Share your Stories! Empty Share your Stories! Fri May 25, 2012 7:00 am



Hi everyone! This is a thread for you to share your Funny, Sad, Happy, Fun,Embarassing, Annoying And Like a Boss Moments!

2Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Fri May 25, 2012 2:20 pm



I accidentaly went on Redtube.


3Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Fri May 25, 2012 3:55 pm



Wyver-Triumph wrote:I accidentaly went on Redtube.


Be careful. Losing your reputation is an easy job, but building it again it's very hard.


4Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Fri May 25, 2012 4:13 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Steff wrote:
Wyver-Triumph wrote:I accidentaly went on Redtube.


Be careful. Losing your reputation is an easy job, but building it again it's very hard.
What's a redtube? Idk the meaning o.o


5Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Fri May 25, 2012 4:17 pm



Pawrian Gray wrote:What's a redtube? Idk the meaning o.o

Well, better don't even try to look at that, as far as you are a girl. Definitly not a thing that a girl would like to look at, and definitly not something what members of Miscrimania are allowed to discuss about around here.


6Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Fri May 25, 2012 7:45 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Pawrian Gray wrote:What's a redtube? Idk the meaning o.o

It is a very inappropriate site for both boys and girls. Do not look it up out of curiosity, and never mention it in conversations. That is all I shall say.

7Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Fri May 25, 2012 7:58 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

One of my more favorite memories is perhaps more humorous for me than others, but I shall share it anyway. At one of my friend's 16th birthday party, another friend of mine challenged me to a fencing (a type of sword-fighting) contest. (I will add this in...my friend whose birthday we were celebrating is in October, so we were all dressed up in costumes. Chris, the friend who challenged me, was dressed up as the Joker from Batman, and I was an elven princess [shocking, I know].) We, of course, did not have foils (the swords) or fencing gear, so we settled with using some flimsy cardboard/plastic table decorations instead. We started fighting each other with the strips/decorations/whatever the heck you call them, and others at the party joined in, including the birthday girl and some adults. It was a lot of fun; it was hysterical. Lots of vampires, an angel, and goths (and of course, a Joker and an elven princess) running around chasing each other with cardboard to playing music.

8Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Fri May 25, 2012 8:36 pm

Jana V

Jana V

My worst moment is when Emily wipes her saucy cheese on my shirt and some upper class people, villagers and politicians all laugh at me.

9Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 3:39 am



My worst moment when I just saw Jana V's big fat slobbering lie. x3


10Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 7:28 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Okay,here it is:
One day,me and my friend were walking(I forgot where we wanted to go,but that isn't important).And in one moment,i saw a little black thing that is getting bigger and bigger(That means that its is getting closer to us every second,and behing that black ,many other dots in different colors.Al of us were just standing and trying to figure out what it was,and my older sister(she was with us) saw that that was a big group of dog,VERY big dogs.So all of us started runing back home.But as you probably guessed,dogs were faster than us,they were almost able to bite us in that funny and scary race.than we saw a little bush on our left side and all of us jumped in it.(damn there was spiders in that bush,i hate spiders!)The dogs weren't very smart,so they just continued to run.We were saved! Very Happy

11Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 7:31 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I must say i like this thread. Razz
I will share more situations of my life later.I am bored so i decided to hang out a little on this forums.Waiting now for somebody to post his/her funny,sad,scary or i don't know what kind of situation.

12Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 7:46 am



Sima Miletijevv wrote:I must say i like this thread. Razz
I will share more situations of my life later.I am bored so i decided to hang out a little on this forums.Waiting now for somebody to post his/her funny,sad,scary or i don't know what kind of situation.

No,simply no.


13Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 10:01 am



I haven't post a situation here haven't I? Well I should share one now Very Happy

Back at school. I was walking around and saw some old classmates talking, One said "Where did you get that spider?" The other one said "At the forest." Then another one said "The forest? You should have been eaten by a lion!". I join in and say "There are no Lions in the Philippines." then the other one said "Of course there are!". I ended up walking away.

The truth is there are no Lions in the Philippines, And by forest, I bet just means a place with trees. We live in the city.....

14Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 12:10 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

okay let's change the topic, back to the story.

bad moments: my broken bone hand, and faint when ceremony. (too bad its when im fasting, my target is full one moth, but at last i lost 2 days. ARGH)

good moments: ._. theres a lot how can i tell it.


15Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 1:18 pm



A Bad Moment

I accidentally wounded my toe recently....

16Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 2:25 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

BlueWyverkai Wyvern wrote:
Jana V wrote:My worst moment is when Emily wipes her saucy cheese on my shirt and some upper class people, villagers and politicians all laugh at me.
My worst moment when I just saw Jana V's big fat slobbering lie. x3

It happened. Laughing In a thread, though. Not in the flesh.

17Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 2:39 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Sima Miletijevv wrote:Okay,here it is:
One day,me and my friend were walking(I forgot where we wanted to go,but that isn't important).And in one moment,i saw a little black thing that is getting bigger and bigger(That means that its is getting closer to us every second,and behing that black ,many other dots in different colors.Al of us were just standing and trying to figure out what it was,and my older sister(she was with us) saw that that was a big group of dog,VERY big dogs.So all of us started runing back home.But as you probably guessed,dogs were faster than us,they were almost able to bite us in that funny and scary race.than we saw a little bush on our left side and all of us jumped in it.(damn there was spiders in that bush,i hate spiders!)The dogs weren't very smart,so they just continued to run.We were saved! Very Happy

That sounds terrifying. I am glad you were all okay.

JL wrote:I haven't post a situation here haven't I? Well I should share one now Very Happy

Back at school. I was walking around and saw some old classmates talking, One said "Where did you get that spider?" The other one said "At the forest." Then another one said "The forest? You should have been eaten by a lion!". I join in and say "There are no Lions in the Philippines." then the other one said "Of course there are!". I ended up walking away.

The truth is there are no Lions in the Philippines, And by forest, I bet just means a place with trees. We live in the city.....


18Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 2:40 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

and another bad: i hate when im enjoying my weekend play computers when night, and sometimes we turn on 4 ACs and the eletric is down. UGH.


19Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 3:28 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

This is one of my creepier stories, which actually happened last week.

I am a head editorial member for a volunteer magazine which raises awareness about mental/physical disabilities. We hold meetings for it at its headquarters in a nearby city, which is two hours away from I live. Unfortunately we had to be at the headquarters first thing on Saturday morning, so I had to go a day early and stay in a hotel overnight so I could be at the meeting on time.

Another editorial member named Katie, who is the head over the art for the magazine also lived too far away to be at the meeting first thing in the morning, so she had to stay at the hotel too. To save money, the people running the magazine bunked both of us in the same room instead of having to pay for two separate rooms. (She and I are total opposites: she dresses in skin-tight black shirts and mini skirts with black boots, wears a ton of makeup, does all sorts of stuff to her hair with things which look like medieval torture devices, and brought about 8 suitcases full of...I dunno, stuff...for a single hotel night; whereas I just stuffed what things I needed into a single bookbag, wore a simple hoodie, jeans and sneakers, don't wear makeup, and just let my hair do whatever it wants to do.)

I was on my bed (the room had two separate beds, thank goodness; if not, I would have just slept on the floor Very Happy ) reading a book, and she was on her bed using the remote control to flip through a gazillion T.V. channels which literally had nothing on worth watching. I had just gotten to a really good paragraph in the book when suddenly she said, "I hope you're not creeped out by that."

I glanced up at the T.V. screen, but it was just a laundry detergent commercial; except for the insane-looking grin on the lady's face (she must have been so overwhelmed with joy by the fact the detergent managed to successfully remove the fake-looking stains from her little boy's shirt, that she went over the edge into extreme Happy Land), there was nothing disturbing about the commercial. I looked at Katie on her bed, and she stared right back at me with heavily blue-and-grey makeuped eyes which made it look like someone had punched her in both eyeballs. After an awkward silence, I asked carefully, "Creeped out by what?"

She blinked, and twisted around on her bed to point at a table which was heavily-laden with several pounds of her...once again, I dunno; Stuff...and exclaimed, "That!" I followed the line of her pointing finger and squinted at the table, but there were so many heaps of unidentifiable things I could not tell what a single thing was. After some hesitation, I answered, "I don't have my glasses on-" (Yes, I wear glasses for seeing stuff farther off) "-So I can't see what's there." She blinked at me, and I blinked back, and suddenly she grinned ear-to-ear. It was even more frightening than the grin of the lady on the laundry detergent commercial, because unlike the commercial, I had no idea what Katie was talking about. The unknown is much more worrisome than laundry detergent, you see.

"The horse head!" she exclaimed.

I stared at her. Then my eyes flicked to the table; and then back at her.

"My horse head usually creeps all my friends out," she explained, sitting up straight on her bed. " 'Specially 'cause I'm painting it. I just want to make sure you aren't creeped out by it." Noting my expression, her already-round eyes became even rounder. "I bleached it myself to get all the skin off so I can paint it. Don't worry, there's no hair left on it or anything. I want to sell it, maybe for a hundred dollars. People like that kind of stuff, y'know?"

I, a Southern girl forcibly turned Northern about twelve years ago, come from a family who had a few horses. I also worked on a horse farm in New York for a few years. In other words, I love horses. Having a painted horse skull staring sightlessly at me from a tabletop from among the folds of stuff made me upset, although I bit back any cries of protest or infuriated raving. I did, however, ask warily, "But...how did you get a horse head...?"

She, apparently relieved by my lack of shrieking or fainting or diving out the fourth-four window to escape her, seemed heartened. Beaming at me with a large smile, she explained, "It was my friend's. She was a Paint. She was sick, and a bunch of coyotes-" (Yes, we have coyotes in New York) "-got her. And nature took its course, y'know? So one day, we were out walking in her field, and her dogs ran toward a patch of grass and started pulling out all these huge bones. So we went over to see what it was, and we found ourselves standing on her horse's bones." She giggled. I silently stared. "The worse part was, it wasn't totally decomposed and there was still some stuff on some of the bones. And we were wearing flip-flops. It was reaaaallllly gross. But I found the horse head and picked it up and told my friend I was taking it home, and she let me."

She continued to smile at me, and I nodded ever so slowly. "I...see," I muttered, and retreated back behind the safety of my book's pages. (It was Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident, just to add that in. I love that book. Something about mean teenage masterminds and grumpy fairies being attacked by insane pixies just steals my heart.) So, the night was spent with a horse's skull staring at me.

The next day at the meeting, I got a better view of the skull. It had purple swirls and red stripes painted on it. A ton of pictures were taken of it, and since Katie is the head over the art of the magazine, photos of the horse skull will be appearing in the magazine. I find that totally wrong. I mean, who in their right mind would use a painted horse skull to represent disabilities? But since I am in the Writing/Editing section of the magazine board, and not art, I had to hold my tongue.

And that is the end of my creepy, disturbing true story. When I get my hands on a copy of the magazine edition, I might scan a page with a picture of the skull and load it onto Facebook.

20Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 3:49 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

yesterday when choir my 2 friends call me "pengutuk online"(online curser), because i give some links that if you click will bring you into a scary ghost picture. also, my friend ever call me as "watch girl", i have around 5 watches lol, cuz that they call me like that


21Share your Stories! Empty Re: Share your Stories! Sat May 26, 2012 11:15 pm



Another one Very Happy

My cousin and I when we were younger were walking when a dog suddenly chased us, we ran then I went to the side and stood straight. My cousin still ran and was still being chased by the dog then she ran back to the house and closed the gate, crying. I stood still until the dog went away then I slowly walked back to the house.

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