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Meh Meme! (Y U NO)

3 posters

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1Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Empty Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Thu May 24, 2012 4:57 pm




Meh Meme! (Y U NO) 24p9g7a


2Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Empty Re: Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Thu May 24, 2012 5:23 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

This thread is spam.
Admin or moderator,please close this thread. bounce
I love bounce smile bounce bounce bounce

3Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Empty Re: Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Thu May 24, 2012 5:42 pm



Sima Miletijevv wrote:This thread is spam.
Admin or moderator,please close this thread. bounce
I love bounce smile bounce bounce bounce

This is a comic suggestion! How dare you insult me like that!


4Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Empty Re: Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Thu May 24, 2012 6:07 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I don't see anything funny there.Don't call me Humor Hater,it just isn't funny.And if that is comic suggestion,you should put Comic Suggestion on the title of thread.I didn't insulted you/ Rolling Eyes

5Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Empty Re: Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Thu May 24, 2012 6:10 pm



Prove it. Not every Comic Suggestion needs to be named that.


6Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Empty Re: Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Thu May 24, 2012 6:31 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Wyver-Triumph wrote:Prove it. Not every Comic Suggestion needs to be named that.

I really don't want to fight with you now,i have better things to do.And do you seriously think that this is funny? bounce

7Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Empty Re: Meh Meme! (Y U NO) Thu May 24, 2012 9:53 pm

Emily Sanders

Emily Sanders

Wyver-Triumph wrote:This is a comic suggestion! How dare you insult me like that!

insult - verb. 1) to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront. 2) to affect as an affront; offend or demean. 3) (Archaic.) to attack; assault.

He did not intentionally try to insult you; he was not rude or insolent in any way whatsoever in his wording. You merely chose to be offended over something which is, simply put, very minor; or at least something which is not reasonably drastic enough to cause blood pressure to rise.

Wyver-Triumph wrote:Prove it. Not every Comic Suggestion needs to be named that.

You are correct. However, it is better to have a title which is somewhat to the point...which the title of this thread is not. I am not saying that the title of this thread is illegal, but for future joke/meme/informational/et cetera threads, please make the title clearer as to what the thread is about...not as an extension of a joke. Thank you.

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