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Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin!

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1Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! Empty Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! Mon May 14, 2012 8:22 am

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

^.^ so i just win a contest, and i win. the prize is i can edit all the evos and all of them are mine.

so i just start do it and here is the result for now:

evo 1: Pengder
Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! IcvgU

evo 2: Soniclash
Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! WLNfi

evo 3: Electrons
Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! 3rd

evo 4: Cyblien
Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! CO9Ck


pengder: even pengder don't have wings, he can fly use his yellow thing, and no one knows what is that yellow thing on his feet.

soniclash: in a dangerous situation, soniclash will use his eletrical power to make his opponent stunned, and ran away.

electrons: miscrians are hunting electrons for their eletronic things by use his plug on his tail.

cyblien: cyblien can destroy anything that he want without touching, but by using his noisy sound. when he is angry, he will make a big lightning power and it can destroy a country.

1- zap and debaser (EA and buff)
4- slap (PA)
7- scorched earth (remove element weakness)
10- sonic boom (EA)
13- max power(buff ATK+ Cool
16- strike (PA)
19- eletrical power (heal 15)
22- debilitate
25- plug sting (EA and 45% confuse)
28- iron tail (DEF +11)
30- eletrical ball (EA)

comment here! thanks! Very Happy
*just a note: dont think the outline is like wend, lol cuz this is a prize from her. Very Happy




Miscrimania Entry or simple post of your 'crit?


3Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! Empty Re: Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! Mon May 14, 2012 12:05 pm

Pawrian Gray

Pawrian Gray

Steff wrote:Miscrimania Entry or simple post of your 'crit?

maybe an entry :p


4Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! Empty Re: Meet Pengder, the electrical-penguin! Mon May 14, 2012 12:15 pm

Pritam Nayak

Pritam Nayak

Awesome ! drunken

Jana V

Jana V

Very cute first evo.

Actually I'm about to make a blue, electric bird miscrit, oh well, I'll do it anyway.

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

I like it,i would love to see him in the game. Razz

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