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An Uncomplete Training Elementum!

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1An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Empty An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Sat May 12, 2012 1:49 pm



Hello, Miscrimaniars! How are you? I'm hope you're going well, and you're enjoying seeing this awesome updates, and meeting the game, and all these early releases! Do you remember the Introduction of Miscrimania? In case if you don't, click HERE.

It's our Uncomplete Training Elementum!! I guess you remember him now. He will be the very first creature to defeat! But only IF you defeat him, you are going in Miscrimania, so he guarantee your traveling. Of course that we can't let you down, with a Dragonail on the lowest level and with a no chance to defeat him. The uncomplete training elementum will be only Level 2.

Feel free to leave your feedback about him. Wink

An Uncomplete Training Elementum! YSzGL


2An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Empty Re: An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Sat May 12, 2012 1:51 pm

Jana V

Jana V

So elementum exists?

3An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Empty Re: An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Sat May 12, 2012 1:54 pm



Jana V wrote:So elementum exists?

The only one, is this dummy.


4An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Empty Re: An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Sat May 12, 2012 2:34 pm

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

he looks good.That is all i have to say. Razz

5An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Empty Re: An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Sun May 13, 2012 9:37 am



Look's awesome Very Happy

6An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Empty Re: An Uncomplete Training Elementum! Tue May 15, 2012 4:43 pm


How bout adding an elementum for the begining of each area?!Just a suggestion....we can have these elementums:

-Neo Elementum
-Elemental Elementum

the neo one looks like a dragon with nature,fire and water as his elements

the elemental elementum has all elements

and cyber-entum has lightning-earth and wind

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