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Visitor Messages

2 posters

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1Visitor Messages Empty Visitor Messages Tue May 08, 2012 11:27 am



Hello everyone. In case you didn't know, this forums have one more option for fun. I just explored it tought, and with this thread I will help you how to activate your visitor messaging. I and my friend Ivana (Ayame Azuma on this forums) tried it, and it works nicely. Wink

How to activate it:
-On the status bar, on this forums, on the top under the logo, you see the menu (Home; Calendar, FAQ, Search, Memberlist and so on..). Click PROFILE and than it will appear your profile and another status bar under the first one. Click PREFERENCES where you will be available to activate it with clicking "All members" on the third option - Allow visitor messages on my profile. After that you just have to click SAVE.

How to start posting visitor messages:
-When you go on any member's profile, you can see the first option on the status bar - Visitor Messages. Click that, and than you will see right - NEW PM. After clicking that, you have to write your tittle of the message/subject, but if you don't want, than just leave a dot. After that, leave your message. Image, text, video or anything you want. Have fun!

Click here for an example.


2Visitor Messages Empty Re: Visitor Messages Sun May 13, 2012 10:14 am



nice one steff,i like it

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