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Julian Z
Jana V
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1Plaguerats Empty Plaguerats Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:30 pm

Jana V

Jana V

Here is a fan-made Miscrits based on Black Death, a terrible medieval pandemics. Hope it amazes you.

Element: Earth

Health: Max
EA: Max
ED: Weak
PA: Moderate
PD: Random
Sp: Strong

lvl 1 Crumble- 7 (+1)
lvl 1 Debaser
lvl 4 Bite- 7 (+1)
lvl 7 Fetal Position
lvl 10 Plague Bite- 10 (+2)
lvl 13 Safeguard
lvl 16 Strike- 15 (+3)
lvl 19 Recompose- (+20) Heal
lvl 22 Lethal Bite- DoT 10 damage (3 turns) (+3)
lvl 25 Wallop- 20 (+4)
lvl 28 Symptom-Negate Element (Venom)
lvl 30 Deadly Infection- 25 (+5)


Plaguerats FhFMq

There is a proverb that says, if you ever find a healthy Plaguerat, then it would be the most fact-bending discovery ever.


Plaguerats JHbtu

When Infectooth bites something, it unconsciously injects deadly disease into it.


Plaguerats 0qyzd

Malademic is everything but healthy, some believes it is in a state between life and death.


Plaguerats Zw83V

Décèsrat is responsible for the chaotic death of half of the entire miscrits population hundreds of years ago.

This Miscrits is branded TWW Miscrits

Name Source:

Plaguerat = Plague + Rat
Infectooth = Infect + Tooth
Malademic = Malady + Pandemic
Decesrat = Deces (Death in French) + Rat

Last edited by Jana V on Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Plaguerats Empty Re: Plaguerats Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:37 pm

Julian Z

Julian Z

I like it!!! I think it's cool to see it's rotten parts and all Cool so... yeah!

3Plaguerats Empty Re: Plaguerats Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:07 pm

Laziest Gamer

Laziest Gamer

Cool Good to be in any game either Miscrimania or Miscrits


4Plaguerats Empty Re: Plaguerats Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:32 pm

Jana V

Jana V

At last, through exhausting hours of work, last evos finished. At least the result is quite satisfying, so here you go.

5Plaguerats Empty Re: Plaguerats Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:33 pm



Pretty! Amazing work, great poses! Officialy saying, this miscrit is going in Miscrimania.


6Plaguerats Empty Re: Plaguerats Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:45 am

Sima Miletijevv

Sima Miletijevv

Great work Jana!
It look awesome,i love the concept Very Happy

7Plaguerats Empty Re: Plaguerats Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:31 am



Awesome Work Jana It looks awesome !

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